The Voices In Between

I’m kicking myself for not picking up The Voices In Between sooner from my TBR pile.

As a reader you will venture to the In-Between with Adoni and meet a cast of characters, each with their own baggage that will be unpacked at just the right time.  The beauty and magic of the In-Between isn’t what it seems to be and Adoni discovers just how cruel this world can be.  There are choices to be made and battles to be fought.

The realm is so thoughtfully crafted. The hope chests, the clothing and dwellings…  Oh, and I mustn’t forget to mention that music plays such an important part in this novel.  I’m still not sure how to wrap my head around all the ways Charlene Challenger has described it to us.  I’ve never really sat down and even attempted to describe music, yet she has done it in such vivid, lyrical fashion.

The book is about so many things….making choices, finding your identity, fitting in, anger, manipulation, dealing with abuse (bullying). It is a great journey that brings forward many social issues that our young generation faces on a daily basis.

The back stories of the characters were very compelling and gut wrenchingly sad and cruel.  This urban fantasy novel really blew me away. I enjoyed the way this book played out.  I was able to get close to the characters, understand where they were coming from and in the end…I’m left wanting more.  That’s always a good sign from a book.  I’m eagerly awaiting book two !!

The Voices In Between by Charlene Challenger
Published by Tightrope Books

*A copy of this book was provided by the Author in exchange for an honest review

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