Happy weekend everyone !!

My weekend plans are quite simple for the moment; some chores around the house, buying some skates for the little ones, baking and of course – reading.

I’m currently within the pages of Find You In The Dark by Nathan Ripley, actually on the tail end of it. Perfect for fans of the Dexter series. Then, I want to finish up a few book reviews. I’ll be posting reviews for The Unforgotten by Laura Powel and Unravelling Oliver by Liz Nugent on the blog very soon. Both these titles are published by Simon and Schuster Canada and will be in stores next month.

Another book I’m reading right now is Descent Into Night by Edem Awumey. This is a book that is taking me some time to get through since it is so intense. It’s also a book that covers subjects I know barely anything about so there is a considerable amount of help from my friend google. Decent into night is currently available from Mawenzi House.

Then, I want to start on Fire Song by Adam Garnet Jones, published by Annick Press. When Annick Press approached me to review the book, this was the part of the blurb that hit me the most : With deep insight into the life of Indigenous people on the reserve, this book masterfully portrays how a community looks to the past for guidance and comfort while fearing a future of poverty and shame.

So, with that said, I should start my chores and odds and ends in order to have more time to read and enjoy bookish things.

What’s your bookish plans for the weekend ?

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